How to make a henna tattoo

Since ancient times people try to decorate themselves in all sorts of ways. For this purpose, they use beads, ear-rings, other kinds of bijouterie and clothes. Another but not less popular method of decoration is the tattoo.

Tattoo is some kind of art, which appeared long ago. However, it is very popular in our time as well. But not everyone can dare to make a permanent tattoo. The solution of this problem is a temporary tattoo, made with henna. Nowadays the temporary henna tattoos are popular all over the world.

The temporary henna tattoos are made much faster than the usual ones. Their main advantages are the painlessness of drawing and the harmlessness for skin and health. Your body will be decorated with the long-expected picture, delighting your eyes. But after some time, you’ll be able to wash it off. You can make a great number of such tattoos.
The temporary henna tattoos last from a week to a month. Everything depends on your skin and the frequency of water and washing-up liquid exposure.

The technique of drawing henna tattoos is quite simple. But you should devote it 2-3 hours of your spare time.
Before starting to make a temporary henna tattoo, it is necessary to clean the skin site, which you want to decorate with the picture, very thoroughly. For this purpose, you can use the body scrub. Then you should degrease the skin with the lotion or spirit. This procedure will make your tattoo last longer.

The temporary henna tattoos are made in 3 stages.

1. The skin is treated with eucalyptus oil. It is necessary to make the color of tattoo more intensive.

2. The syringe is filled with henna composition, representing the rich mixture. The composition for making temporary tattoo consists of henna powder, warm water and a small amount of lemon juice. It is necessary to prepare this composition half an hour before the drawing of tattoo.

3. Paint the picture on some film with the soft-tip pen (beforehand) and apply it to the skin. Then outline the remained print with henna. With the help of syringe apply the composition to the picture several millimeters thick. After that, keep the henna on the skin for about an hour. Apply the oil to the skin so that henna doesn’t crack. After an hour, remove the composition. It can be just peeled, but not washed with the water! In a day or two, your tattoo will take the final form and color.

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